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The greatly expanded tonal space makes the typical guitar notation in one system very difficult, as constantly confusing octaves or too many auxiliary lines would be necessary. Since scordaturas are also often used, a tablature with eleven lines has proven to be optimal. This tablature follows the normal pattern of modern guitar tablature: i.e. the highest string at the top, the frets being played or the strings being played open are indicated by numbers. Before the first bar is the mood used. For reasons of clarity, the sixth and ninth line is thickened - this also allows the tablature to be played up to this line with a normal guitar (if the third string is tuned to F#). So that half and whole notes are easier to recognize, they are marked by a circle (thin circle for halfs, thicker for wholes).

This system of extended tablature also allows up to four-part notation, the rhythm signs of the middle parts are then in the lines. In contrast to normal tablature, the end of each note is immediately apparent through rests or dampening signs. If active muting has to be done with the thumb, this is indicated by a * on the line of the string to be muted. For reasons of clarity, dots are placed directly after each tone. In order to avoid confusion with the tablature numbers, Greek letters (α β γ δ) are used for the fingering of the left hand, while pimac (i.e. guitar standard) is used for the right hand.


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